VVVVVV is an awesome game for what it is, but the 3D version has too little to set it apart from the original release.
The Bad: Nothing special about 3D effects; a bit overpriced.
VVVVVV was released a couple years ago as an indie PC project and it's been praised (rightfully) everywhere ever since as a nice example on how simple concepts can be put to good use when it comes to making an interesting game regardless of its assumed low profile.
Now it's up to the fight again as a downloadable good at the Nintendo eShop and here's the question: does the new version deserve a try?
Well, if you're not familiar with the game (more details in the original review here http://www.gamespot.com/vvvvvv/user-reviews/739805/platform/pc/) here's what VVVVVV IS: a hardcore-retro-action-platformer blast that achieves a rare balance in the challenging/compelling combo. A single action button allows you to flip your character from the ground to the ceiling through manipulating gravity, and that's the core mechanic of an Atari 2600-like Metroid (given the maps and characters/items to find) with plenty of spikes for you to get pierced in the way.
Despite being short (it takes around 2 hours to finish with all items) it's easy to recommend VVVVVV for its own merits to anyone with a retro/hardcore itch to scratch.
But... What's up with the 3D version? Well, the visual rehash is nothing more that a simple coat of paint--the dialogue boxes and a couple menus pop-up from inside the screen but that's it; aside that there are a bunch of new player levels outside the main campaign... but they feel just like more of the same since in most cases the designers' approach was only to push the hardcore boundaries of the challenges even further.
After all, is this VVVVVV worth or not? As said at the beginning of the review it is a good game for its own merits; but given the eShop steep price tag (60% higher than the Steam version) this version is only a good option for those who have the 3DS as their platform of choice or would like to try it in short bursts on the go.