Wacky Races: Crash and Dash may give you some nostalgic moments from the cartoon, but it's too easy and really boring

User Rating: 4 | Wacky Races: Crash & Dash WII
Man, I loved Wacky Races when I was a child, and also I had a game of the Wacky Races on the Playstation, it was a traditional racer, with good gameplay and very fun to play. Now, we have Wacky Races: Crash and Dash for the Wii that doesn´t have an accelerate or brake button and it's really boring to play. Why didn't make this game like any other racing game? You know, in a third person perspective and with an accelerate button. You only use the nunchuk to move the car and press A to use the item and that's all, you don't even have to use the items because the game is really easy, because the screen keeps scrolling so if you fall down or run into something you get back. During the race, there are some minigames that really fell annoying where Dick Dastardly place some traps, these minigames are also really easy. In the final part of the race you have to keep shaking the wiimote, that it's really tiring and it's the only interesting part of the races.I keep me asking why didn't they do the wii version like the psone version, that was a really fun racer. The graphics are nice with lots of colors and keeps the essence of the cartoon, but that does'nt save Wacky Races from being a really boring racing game that has no replay value.