A faithful if somewhat flawed tribute to the TV series.
User Rating: 6.5 | Wacky Races: Crash & Dash WII
I played this for a while with my parents and to be honest, as a big fan of the original TV series this felt accurate to how the original episodes actually pan out. The racers move down the track, causing damage to each other and pulling moves to make sure they are in the lead which then doesn't matter because it all comes down to a blitz at the finish line anyway. The majority of the gameplay is similar to Micro Machines but the moves, powerups and stages are accurate to the series and positions in the race add up to boost which is used up in the final blitz to the finish line.
There are problems with this game. While Dick Dastardly's mini-games are fun the first couple of times you see them, they do get boring very quickly which usually means they get turned off most of the time.
In short, you perhaps should see this game as an interactive episode of Wacky Races rather than a real game but it is still entertaining and well worth playing with friends, especially if you remember the original TV series.