This is one of the best games I have ever played for the PS2. Control three playable characters in this awesome game.
I bought this game because it was the only game I could find that I could afford in Gamestop, but it turned out to be an instant classic. Nick Park's series has brought a great game of a great movie. It lets you take control of the Main Characetrs, Wallace and Gromit, and Hutch the rabbit, who replaces Wallace in the nighttime environment. You can play 100s of missions in a brilliant Free-Roaming environment of Wallace and Gromit's town, while catching animals, defeating WERE animals like the Were-Rabbit himself at night. You can switch between day and night at will. The controls are fluent and the Graphics are good. You meet all of the characters from the series and you can talk to any of them at will. You can even play sports such as soccer. Moves include kicking, jumping, umbrella flying, vacuum devices for use when catching bunnies, and many more of Wallace's inventions. You acn also suck up fruit and other various objects and shoot them at enemies. Some missions include timed Battle Arenas which you much either catch a certain amount of animals(At day), or defeat Were-Animals at night. You can also help Grow Gromit's Watermelon, and buy items from the Shop to help with this, including decorations.
The Bad:
This game can sometimes be glitchy.