wont take you very long to complete but its fun

User Rating: 7 | Wanted: Weapons of Fate PS3
Okay, for anyone who hasn't seen the film, you are an assassin who can curve bullets and slow time. That's basically it. Anyway, lets talk about the game.

The graphics are good, especially in certain cut-scenes, but a few of the loading screens look absolutely terrible. You'll probably notice glitches at he vey first part of the first level, because sometimes there is no floor and you can see the streets below. This is quite rare but if you replay the game you'll notice it. Also I once fought an invisible guy who was just a floating gun.

Gameplay is good, controls are easy to pick up and curving bullets is easy to master. A good idea would have been to put some kind of first person view for precise aiming because it only zooms in a tiny bit when you bring up the cross-hairs but not much. curving bullets is really fun, because sometimes it shows a slo-mo close-up of the bullet when it gets a head shot (similar to when you throw the glaive on dark sector). normal gun play is okay but not exactly special because the AI isnt very clever. you can CQC people, which is quite gory sometimes, but nowhere near a challenge. later on in the game, people with knives keep running at you but all you have to do is mash circle.

the story leaves a lot to be desired, because it doesnt really go in to detail about characters etc.

unfortunately, there is no multiplayer and almost no reason to replay it apart from unlocking costumes which isnt particularly exciting.

overall, you should just rent it because it ain't worth buying and you'll get all the trophies in a week, probably less.