A throwback to the 50's sci-fi monster flick.

User Rating: 7.9 | War of the Monsters PS2
Ever been up late, bored and looking for something interesting to watch? Then chances are you've seen your fair share of old, corny, monster movies that populated the 50's sci-fi genre. Yes there low-budget, and yes they are horribly made in just about every way imaginable, but there still fun watch. And while this game has those monsters in it, it is actually of better quality than the movies. The games basic premise, beat down on your friend (preferable) or the CPU and destroy everything else at the same time. This games best feature is it's multi-player, you can go head to head, team up or just destroy everything. The possiblities are limitless. Unfortunely there is no online componet to the multi-player, but it doesn't really hurt the game, even though it would have been a great addition. I would have also of liked to see a create your own monster type of deal, and seen him beat down on the godzilla wannabe, but these are just minor complaints. The games graphics are nothing stunning, they are adaquite for the job, and they always run at a smooth frame rate. Bulidings crumble into piles of rubble and dust, and water splashes as you tred through it, but other than that it is a little boring. Most of the games textures are bland, and mostly colorless. But as I said, they get the job done and they convey the games atmosphere well enough. The sound is a little better than the graphics. A nice menu soundtrack and loveable roars from the monsters themselves make this game sound nice. Unfortunely the punches and crumbling sound a little generic, but nothing to really complain about. Overall I would have to say this is a great party game, gather all your friends around the TV and play tournaments. First to 3 kills wins, have fun.