Giant mutant Monsters fighting over world domination, a lot duller than you think actually. Still is worthy of buying.
~Okay, various creatures (lizards, chimpanzees ect) have been morphed into giant monsters because of the alien fuel given off by the huge saucers that attacked the earth not long ago. Now you can play as one of these benemoths and wreak havoc across cities worldwide.
~Simple attack mechanics, punching, throwing and hurling objects around in lush and gorgeous environments. Still, despite its simplicity W.OT.M is quite a fun party game because of the varied and sinical gameplay. Punching a dragon in the face and tossing him hurling toward the ground 400 feet below never seemed so fun until this game was produced. In one level, Tsunopolis, you can toss something or someone at a flying saucer which will create a ginormous tidal wave. This wave only appears to be about three times higher than the monsters but hey, they're all 100 foot tall beasts! work out the size of those bloody waves in your head, 300 feet tsunamis that send the monsters toward the sky and then they crash down hard into the street. Priceless Fun.
~Overall i believe that War Of The Monsters is a good game with party essence imbued within it but i still would advise you to borrow it off a friend first. Some people have different tastes to you or myself.