User Rating: 8.2 | War of the Monsters PS2
War of the monsters has a simple idea,aliens come to invade earth,earth makes a web of anti alien bombs,put over the world.Then they explode,fuel comes out and makes huge mutants.Some of the characters are origanal but some arnt ,like congar is like kingkong,ultra v is like a transformer.There are 3 single player modes,endurance where you fight as many monsters as you can,free play were you play free , and adventure where you see how your monster becomes a monster.Adventure mode,i can emit ,is even pretty hard on easy.Free play is really fun,you choose up to 3 cpu characters,and yourself,then you choose arena.My favorite character would have to be...KInteklops.How can you not like a eye ball sarounded by electrcity,come on.I belive war of the monsters is more of a 2 player game,like dragon ball z games or tekken.When you start the game you start with alot,every thing but two coustoms(each character gets 4)4 levels,and two characters.Each are resonally prices amount of tokiens,you get tokens in endurance or adventure modes.ALL,and all i belive it is a good game,but it got nailed by godzilla2:desstroy all monsters.lets not forget the wepons!