This game sucks almost so bad as Gunz the duel...

User Rating: 2.8 | WarRock PC
When i downloaded the game, what took 1 hour, im gonna play it.
The firt i see is that the grapics are HORRIBLE, it looks looking more wors Operation flashpoint. The i go playing, i shoose the medic skill.
I see you cant heal other poeple? alone yourself. Then i see you cant lockdown your sight, that was survivable. There are 2 teams, some yellow and some green guys... There is no differance in the model, only some small texture changes... Near some play in an small level in an villlage with HORRIBLE clouds aboven youre head an level called ``temple`` started, i grabbed my weapon and going kill some guys, but the gameplay is VERRY unbalanced because you can LEASE NOT BUY guns... all the good players with their nice snipers snipe every1 from my team down... Then i buyed some weapons, for the nice, cool weapons you need an higher ``level`` .
The weapons are tottaly unrealistic, you got MINIGUNS and other heavy, heavy weapons that must stand in real life on bypots.... The gameplay is HORRIBLE, there is an ``dodge`` move where you sight change in 1 time to 3d person for 3 seconds, in that time your character does an shoot dodge what looks much more wors then in max payne... The vehicles are horrible to, there are almost undrivable, the only cool vehicle is an motorbike...
The value is good almost ggood enough because you got much, but not enough maps, items, guns and vehicles...


I hope you like and agree with this revieuw (;