Great free features and even better when you play premium but war rock is spoilt by hackers.

User Rating: 7.5 | WarRock PC
As this was my first MMOFPS experience (massive multiplayer online first person shooter) I was expecting big things, most of my mates play counterstrike and from watching them it kinda looked dull, so, of I went.
You CAN play the game for free but you will be put at a disadvantage with much less money, less maps (this only applies when your hosting a game) and less weapons to play around with.

First heres some details on the game for premium players (if your reading this review it probably means your willing to spend some money on it)
With premium you get a bonus weapon, the FAMAS, gattlnig gun or a smooth sniper (you should so a sticker on the case of what weapon you will get with your retail) you will keep this weapon forever.
You will also be given basic weapons (sniper rifle, automatics, colts, grenades) to also keep forever.
Once you've created your account online you then have to choose a sever (don't worry you can choose a different one each time, you don't have to stick with one server like on world of warcraft)
Then you have a choice of close quarters combat (small maps) Urban Ops (larges maps, most of the maps in Urban Ops normally have a vechile or two)
and finally battleground which contains land and air vechilex (helicopters,tanks and planes etc) battleground fights are also normally fought on huge maps.
You then have a choice of class, medic, assault, sniper, engineer or heavy trooper, they each have different weapon sets, this is hard to explain, but not all classes can use all weapons, for example, an assault trooper can't use a sniper rifle or rocket launcher and a heavy trooper can't use an automatic.
Personally I prefer the medic who has the ability to heal his/herself and is the only class capable of that.

Onto graphics, they're not that bad acctually, I'd say they were typical 'solid' pc graphics which dosen't require a super computer to run, I reccomend before buying war rock (or any PC game really) to go and check the specs.

Music is good, it really suits the game, if you have the volume up quite high and the lights dim you really feel like your in the world of war rock :D

There are a few problems with cheaters, since cheaters mostly using the free features if they get banned they will just make a new account, some people cheat by making themselves invisible by using some insane hacks and other really weird cheats.. even though war rock keep trying to stop hackers they've been around for a while now.

But don't worry about having your account stolen, this hardly ever happens on war rock.
As you get more experience through kills and winning games you raise in rank and eventually get the ability to wield more guns.

To sum war rock up, I think anyone new to MMOFPS will enjoy this game if they have a lot of time, I'll also note you need a tiny bit of patience to get used to the game.. don't be sad if you find yourself being 0wned in the first hour that you play, everyone eventually gets better.
I hope this review helped!