Like hitting an otter with a pipe. Only less fun.

User Rating: 1 | War World X360
The game is not fun. Sorry, no way to argue that, no way to say the other 99% of people are wrong because they're sheep/wear white shoes/perpetually masturbate It's a simple and obvious truth that hits you about 10 seconds in the 40 second demo. Oh and please don't say that "I can't tell what the games really like" having just played the demo. I've never been hit in the face with rocks either, but my basic experience with pain and heavy objects tells me it wouldn't be nice - much like my basic experience with the demo tells me that buying the full game would be akin to driving penguins through my eyes. So honestly, the game is naff, awful, toss, not very good. Why?

Firstly, the game feels like piss. The controls are awkward and non-responsive, the basic gameplay is just that, basic - and while you'd think that basic games always = fun, you'd be wrong. Bomberman is basic and fun, Space Invaders is basic and fun, War World is basic and bad. Not only that, but the graphics are naff, the scenery is completely non-interactive and seemingly exists for the sole purpose of either A: Trying to shine up the solid turd of a game that you're playing or B: Annoying everyone who wants to play. Likewise, did I mention the demo? 40 seconds of retarded blasting and then for the 38th time in the 2 minutes since you ran the game, you get prompted to shell out your gamerpoints and buy the damn thing. Erm, no. I'd rather throw my money at an alcoholic tramp as that would probably provide more entertainment.

So finally, we've already ascertained that the basic gameplay is something akin to several monkeys defecating over each other while beating their testicles with sticks, the graphics are wank and the developers like to abuse small children. What else? Oh yes, did I mention it's bad?