Warcraft II was a very good game for its time. Alltough the graphics are not so good for today , its gameplay is what keeps the game 'alive'. It hyas many things that will make you remember of modern RTS and is thge case that they are first seen at Warcraft II for example the mouse control the HP system, the attack and armour system and the recource system. Also a very good thing the game has is that it has naval ships and of coarse the sea. Its a very good thing to have naval battles in RTS so the Player wont just build a huge army of ground soldiers and go strait for the enemy base. The game is whole lot of fun espetialy the campagn and the senarios. This game is vwry exelent and very well built that its my daubts that this game will stay good for the folowing dacade.
Other Helpful Reviews for Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
Who says it's a classic? Well it was released in early 1996 and im reviewing it in late 2004. I still load War2 and it's expansion up every so often on an old machine and relive some of my old memories. Warcraft2 and ... Read Full Review
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