A flawless game for its time. Just lacks some features that were included in Starcraft I three years later. Read on!

User Rating: 9.5 | Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness PC
As i said before this game is flawless. It stands the test of time, with amazing sound, graphics, scenarios, and gameplay.

The game follows the story of its predecessor Warcraft I: Orcs and Humans, and the conflict between the two races of (you guessed it!) Orcs and Humans. To see the story unfold, you must play through the single player campaign which spans 28 scenarios. Then once you've finished that you can set up a custom match by choosing one of the preset maps or by using the Warcraft II: map editor, you can make your own.

The graphics are beautifully presented in sort of semi-cartoon look. The voice acting is done to the highest standard and the music is mood setting and really adds to the character of the game.

But compared to Starcraft I (another one of Blizzard's ground breaking real time strategy games) it lacks certain features. The ability to create waiting lists for training is non-existent, and the ability to select a maximum of only nine units at one time is a little frustrating at times when you need to move more than nine units but its much better than the measly four units of Warcraft I.

All in all, an excellent sequel to an already stunning game.