Warcraft III is not a RTS, its a "real time horde-game".

User Rating: 6.5 | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC
Warcraft III power resides in story-line in the campaign. Playing it makes you want to know what will happen and, why not, what happened before. That is the great thing of warcraft III, but you can´t say " It´s the best RTS in the world".

RTS games makes you think an strategy (that´s why they are called that way), were a huge army means a lot, but where a huge army can be destroyed with a good strategy. In warcraft III, there´s nothing like that. Where´s strategy? I have played it a lot of times, all the campaign and for a time in multi-player: i learned that the biggest and better horde wins the match. But not the biggest and better, the player that makes the horde first wins if the other wasn´t fast enough. If you think I lie, go and download a replay and watch.

Graphically, Warcraft III was right. Nothing speciall, and nothing bad, except for the models: they look like someone made them for 7-year-old kids. For example, the knight. What kind of knight we have here? A sword and a spear? Where did you saw a knight ussing that pathetic mix of weapons? Footmans and elven warrior looks more like knights! Anyway, for his moment, it was cool graphically, but that´s not the point.

Sound is definitively one of the best of the game. There´s a lot of sounds and things troops and unit say to us and we won´t hear our peons saing "Lumberjack" twelve times when we make them go to harvest lumber.
Everything else in the game is fine.

Before ending, I came again to the "strategic" part of the game. It´s thinked to make you click and press the buttons on the keyboard at light-speed if you want to be a big player, and to be really quick to be a good or normal one. You can make a horde of footmans and attack while your enemy was preparing to make a horde of knights: if he wasn´t quick enough, you will crush him. Again, this is NOT a RTS, its a RTH (real time HORDE game).

Last word: multiplayer. It gives you fun for a while, specially custom maps like Angel Arena or Warhammer. That´s another good part of the game, but it´s not good because of Blizzard, but of the players and mappers. Another think we can say warcraft III is superb, is his map editor. You can make almost everything you want if you know basics, even cinematics and semi-complicated maps.

Anyway, Warcraft III is a good game if you want to play in solo or multi-player (custom games, not skirmishes) and some will find it fun in skirmishes if they are quick enough. Others, simply will like it because of the name: Warcraft.