
User Rating: 9.3 | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC
If you put aside the balance issues ROC had problems with, who would have thought that this ex-pack would add so much to Warcraft 3.

What makes this an excellent expansion pack is that it addresses all the fualts with ROC (even though there werent to many.) New units, new heroes and resolved the amazingly bad imbalances of ROC. Just what an expansion pack should do.

In ROC each race had a certain tactic that could be basically repeated over and over again with success.

UD:Tri-Hero Mass ghouls with dual aura
NE:Fast tech for Talons for mass cyclone(no dispel) with mass archers
HU:Fast exp mass gryphons or mass casters
ORC:Thrall harass with mass casters

This expansion removes all of that. It requires a good mix of many units to play on a competive level now and there is no given strategy written in stone now to win. With the new units also helping to resolve balance issues

It just adds more icing to the cake with one helluva cherry on top.