Great game immserive races, great story ,

User Rating: 7.3 | WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos PC
I suppose the review's a bit late

Graphics: Still look like WoW wide scale. Blocky and chunky textures but great environment and spell effects.

Sound: The clashing of swords , magic fireballs, and the environment sounds great. Real immsersive 3d sounds.

Gameplay: The game's standard RTS affair follow one build for each race and mode and that's all you do for the rest of the time to win.

Races: all 4 races are very unique and no race is similar. Humans gather gold by going into the mine and carrying gold out. So do Orcs. But the Undead first must haunt the mine then put zealots to conspire gold to your sotrages. Night Elves also work similar to the Undead for gold. Undead can't build on normal ground only on Blighted grounds(dead land). Human's build and Undead summon buildings.

Multiplayer: Still years after people still play this game. Bnet's free and great multiplayer service shines. Though most people follow the same build and it's now filled with either arrogant 13-15 year olds who get angry at one small mistake or pissed Koreans. Custom games are filled with maps of defense of the ancients which is hardly fun.

Story: Blizzard took time to craft out the storyline and it pay's off. The game really sends you off the curve with rich lore and plot twists. You start as Arthas prince of the Human kingdom of Lordaron. You have to investigate a plague and find out it's crafted by the Undead who served the Demonic Burning Legion who plan to invade this world. Arthas slowly changes as the evil plagues him and all 4 races are brought into a fray.

It's just a fun game which require patience.