My honest opinion
User Rating: 9.7 | WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos PC
I am going to review this game honestly and I will not compare unfairly to any other game I have played. This was one of the first strategy games for me to play.Personally I was Impressed by the games story which really had me drwan into the game and had me playing all the difficult levvels in anticipation. I like the fact that you use a very powerful hero but are limited to a small party,This makes you open to several diffrent ways of strategy for example if the hero is powerful enough you can perform "the all powerful rush" technique, or if you can muster enough troops quickly you can try to swarm your opponents.The are other techniques like trying to seige your opponents slowly by first destroying their structures one by one and keeping up the heat.The arew several diffrent strategies you will develop while playing.--It is most satisfying to find a really simple strategy and making your enemies fall very fast. A Time factor is also added in some levels especially advanced levels, so you will have to figure out the most efficient way to get rid of your opponents fast(before they dispatch you first!!!) At the same time you are supposed to explore the map for new and powerful items that shall help make your hero stronger or shall help give your troops an advantage.So in some maps this can be a challange and many a times I had to play the map five to six times to figure out THE BEST strategy to use then finally hit the level restart button. The levels can be challenging but the story and fmv sequences make it worth it.I do not think that the game was in anyway unfairly balanced ,I think the developers did a good job. It's uniqness does not make it bad, rather just challenging.I found it a very fun game to play. I am almost finished playing it but I have not tried out the online multiplayer mode. But I do think that the single player campaign was worth the money I spent on the game.