Simply amazing, one of the best games for the PC and can last a very long time.
The campaign of the game will last enough for you to enjoy it and even play it again sometimes. Although newer Warcraft players should obviously play Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos' campaign as a quick tutorial first, this game's campaign adds a lot of new stuff, such as the secret Tower Defense level in the Human Campaign.
Perhaps the best thing about this game is the World Editor. Not only can you create your own, neat maps but you can use the Trigger Editor to create very unique games from racing to a first person shooter. Devote a few days' time to learning about triggers and you can create your own unique game. Also, another good thing is the Object Editor, also one of the features in the World Editor. You can manipulate almost every aspect of a unit; what it looks like, its abilities, its hitpoints and mana, and much more. You can also create your own custom units, abilities, doodads, and more. Combine this with the Trigger Editor and you can create your own neat triggered spells that can be amazingly eye catching or can dominate the entire map. If you're into modeling and animating, you can import your models into your maps and use them as your own custom units.
The game doesn't cost a lot either, you don't need a lot of money to buy the game but I say the game's worth a million dollars more. All of its features are worth an unlimited amount of games.
Overall, this game is just simply amazing in its ability to allow players to completely alter the gameplay of their maps and enjoy the fun with friends and family at home or online.