Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne is the best in its series. Even better than World Of Warcraft. This is the best game made.
To get the ture pleasure our of it you need a computer with lots of memory and one that runs very fast. Also the stroy line is awsome, proably the best stroy line for a game ever! And it has many diffrent coustom game maps. So it dosn't really get boring. Battle.net is always fun. All the races have their ups and downs. For example the orcs build slower than most races and take longer to build up a big base and army, but are very strong. And the night elves are fast yet weak. The undead are fast but their main low class infantry also work so it mess up and helps the base. As in when your army gets destroyed you can't get lumber. And the fast low class infantry the ghouls die easy. The Humans are kinda fast and kinda strong but not really powerful on eather. The game is over all balanced. And very fun. This is the best game made!