A great game, not only is it's campaign a great follow up to reign of chaos, but also its multiplayer is unbeatable.

User Rating: 10 | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC
This game, Warcraft III the frozen throne, is one of the greatest add-ons ever seen to any game, not only does it feature new units and heroes, but also the world editor has greatly improved making it a far superior game in multiplayer aspects than Reign of Chaos, I thought online was going to be boring at first, I liked the campaign and blizzards's scenarios, but I didn't know I was in for a huge surprise, A lot of people were playing it, and it had some great maps, All better than blizzards's custom maps, and I enjoyed one of those maps the greatest : DotA, If you are a fan of addictive games, a bit of melee, rpg and adventure, you should definitely buy this game, for all others, this game is a great buy too.
furthermore, if you think the graphics are going to be pretty bad, because it is an old game, blizzard has made this game for a wide range of computers, the animations, spells and visuals, are just amazing with any graphical setting, this game even works fully compatible with vista.