This Game ROCKS!!! AWSOME!!! Online Multplayer Nice and long campain a little hard.

User Rating: 9.7 | WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos PC
One of the first things you will notice about the campaign mode of this game is that it does a much better job of getting you involved with the story than most RTS games out there. Although at the start it may feel a bit slow paced, you wont mind because the story is integrated so well with the game-play via short movie clips. Blizzard has made the campaign mode fresh by making sure you don get bored with just playing as one race all the way through, instead you will be playing as the good guys for a few levels then you will be the evil side,,,, and so forth, which actually works very well. But as regards gameplay you cant really fault this game, the different races have been balanced out very well making it fair yet at the same time refreshing to play as the alternate races. Graphically speaking this game is a bit outdated now, but thats not to say it doesent look anything short of briliant. Also when you are finished wth the campaign mode the online service via Battle.Net is brilliant for fixing you up with people of similar skill levels to yourself.
But all in all this game is a must buy for any serious Warcraft or RTS fan!