One of the best competitive multilayer games and missions.

User Rating: 9 | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC
The 4 races of Orc's, Human's, Night Elf, and Undead are quite balance, but not perfectly balance yet. The cool thing about warcraft lll there are customs games, which means you can play all kinds of games that people have created on their mod maps and world editors. Plus it has online servers, which are West Coast, East Coast, North, and etc.... Channels are nice and even hosted by AT&T. The only thing is that Blizzard changed is in the buddy list trying to find your friend by clicking on their name doesn't guide you to them like it use to before.... so you would have the type the whole game tile where ever they went. As Graphic wise and how old the game is i rated as a 9.0 and game play, which will never be boring and action i rate that a 10.0 + and last , but least for balances would be 9.0+ because some races are just way to op than others. Hot keys real easy to remember too, but wish they had an upgrade hot key list to set.