World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3 reign of chaos, Warcraft 2 battle .net edition. All of these brilliant sequals pay honour to the original game, released in 1994. Warcraft for anyone who doesn't know, is a story between humans and orcs. Think LOTR, but without the rings and a lot more deph into the history of humans and orcs. The orcs are invading the lands of Arozth, owned by the humans. In true command and conquer style, you choose to play as the good side (GDI) or the bad side (NOD), only in this game you have humans and orcs. Each side have 12 missions, each mission is quite similiar for both sides. As you progress through the missions you get new buildings, upgrades and units. And as you progress the enemy gets more difficult. Each side has the same units, though they have different names. The only difference between the sides is the spells that some of their units can cast. The buildings are identical, just with different names. There are not many different types of buildings and units, but this makes things less complicated and lets you spend more time moving your troops around. You will have to spend a lot of time moving your troops around. The controls are quite annoying, I guess the right mouse click hadn't been invented in those days. Everything is done with the left mouse key. Once you have selected a unit, you have to click a button in the side bar, such as move, and click where to move. To move again you have to click that button and then click where you want the unit to move. To select a group of units you have to keep your finger on SHIFT and select each unit indvidually, or keep your finger on CTRL and drag a box around them. You can only select 4 units at a time, so moving lots of units around gets quite tedius. AI isn't to good, with units freezing when something blocks their way. You have to do a lot of micro management, but because of the small amount of units and buildings it is not very hard to do. Sound is very annoying in the game. There is no background music, and everytime you click a unit/do an action they repeat the same phrase. The only other sounds you hear are clicks of metal when units battle and an annocment when enemies are in your town. A game from the DOS days, when gameplay was more important then graphics. I can't mark the graphics to harshly, as I'm reviewing this 10 years after it came out. The sprites do their job and it's easy to know which unit is which, but on a modern 1024*768 or bigger screen it is quite pixulated. The game clearly gets its inspiration from LOTR, which is not a bad thing as warcraft has a deep and rich story line. The story line has become famous, and though it sometimes argues with itself, the story has evolved over the last ten years and has made possible World Of Warcraft, a massive online multiplayer game. I know I have ranted a bit about the controls, sound and graphics, but you must remember, this is from 1994, before windows 95 had been invented. Even though they seem primative by today's standards the game is very, very fun to play. You can get the game for £5 from the sold-out range, and I recommend you do!
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans was one of the best games at the time of its release, if not the best, and still managed to still be quite fun the next few years. By today's standards, the game sucks, but back then it was aw... Read Full Review
Although its getting kinda old, its still a great strategy game. It has good graphics, great sound, great gameplay, and most of all, great value. The textures and detail are excellent. The music is just right for this ki... Read Full Review