warframe is awesome!!!!!good graphics, nice community, nice enemies, nices characters. good modding system.very fast paced.a tad bit lag in highest resolution only.i play this game everyday.i have told my co workers about this game asap. xbox ps3 community always trying to get hackers to attack pc free gaming because they are jealous they have to pay monthly for there consoles. lol jerks. improved system. pc is the best way of gaming.great story line. great missions. maps etc.Warframe has a big future ahead of itself.when i get paid i will be buying new characters.many regions to play in.its is what ninja gaiden shouldve been. lol swords, pistals, machine guns, assault rifles, make this game best. you can use sword at any time and also power up. turbo run. running up agaisnt walls.boosted jumping with mod attachs. all characters have special abilities.
My time playing warframe has been a wild one to say the least. From the fun gameplay to the long wait's to find a squad to play with or the hard training to get to the next level or whatever it was called. But i know it... Read Full Review
I was with this game since roughly the beginning of the beta, a year now. Over the course of that time I did get sucked into building my arsenal and accruing warframes. Unfortunately, for the entire year of updates I nev... Read Full Review