A game only as entertaining as the people you play with.
+ Slick graphics and Art Design
+ Tight controls
+ Fun game-play
+ Stable Multi-player (Good for a beta game)
+ Easy to pick up and to get friends to play
+ Free to play system feels balanced and fair
+ Shines with a dedicated group of players
+ Runs OK on lower systems.
- Story is forgettable
- Game-play becomes repetitive over a couple of days of play
- Way too easy to get lost or miss a doorway
- Deep Learning curve on the MOD system (Not currently being explained)
- Classes (or "Warframes") spells become old rather quickly
- Long term game play is questionable.
- Content feels shallow and low (Forgivable because still in open beta)
+/- Solo play is quite boring and there's a steep difficulty curve. Though some
may disagree and like this curve (Probably the Dark souls loving crowd).
+/- There is currently no PVP though some may see this as a plus.
WarFrame is a sleeper Free to play (F2P) hit that is a good 4 player co op game. It takes Mass effect game play and puts it into a Left for Dead type of design. I find this game to shine with others, but when played solo the flaws of the game start to become more apparent. The game play is as fast and fun as Mass effect's, and you will feel moments of awesomeness flying around a room with twin pistols or other weapons, however this game feels kind of sparse, and repetitive at the moment.
Core gameplay is good, but the map design feels lacking. Game play is flashy, over the top and fun. However each stage is like an "instance" in an MMO. You run through a stage, finish the quest and run out. Most of the game play comes down to killing, stealing or protecting something, so they start to get old quickly. You will eventually find yourself repeating the same levels over and over to get loot, just like grinding for items in an MMO. However, the fun core game play and RPG elements keep you playing and your attention. Loot fans will find a good home here.
Some may say you can just buy all your loot and win the game but I feel that even Warframe's free to play (F2P) design keeps that from happening.
Warframe takes a page from LoL and makes two currencies with "Platinum" being the one you have to buy. However, the platinum currency, can be a tad expensive. Creating ONE fully armed character with all the bells and whistles will run you at least around 30 or 40 dollars. Two characters will run you up to almost a hundred. This game can get quite expensive quickly. However, almost everything that is costly right now can be made or found in game for free. Warframe doesn't feel like a pay to win, though you will feel a pang of jealousy when you friend comes into the game with a brand new character he/she bought. However, playing with friends is what this game was made to do.
You will want to have a buddy or 3 with you throughout your entire adventure. This is not a game to play alone and the game is almost punishing when you try to play by yourself. The game does not scale difficulty to solo play right now and there are no "Bots" for buddies like Left for dead. Playing with strangers can be just as boring, because no body really communicates and everyone just rushes through the levels. Once you get your team going and start working together you will get that good old fashion co op feeling that one got from the likes of borderlands 2 and Left for dead. Repetitive game play did not stop those games and it will not stop this one. This is good old fashioned co op RPG at heart, and you will find great satisfaction leveling up with your buddies.
The best part of Warframe is that it has the core gameplay, controls, graphics and design on par with Triple A titles. It is obvious the the developers wanted to make sure they had the basics covered before making more content, because it needs more variety of missions, maps, classes, spells, and loot. Many quests feel rehashed or somewhat shallow.
I believe that this game in its current state deserves an 8.0. If you are planning to play this game primarily by yourself or just with pub matches alone, this game will feel more like a 6.5. If they quadruple the content, and fix current bugs and issues, this game could be a solid 9.0. They are on their way to create the best co op game of this year and I am happy to see it.
Bottom line is that if you and your buddies cannot get together and play this soon. Save this game til you can. This game will only get better with time.