Other than NooBs spamming arty, this game is quite exhilarating at times. Two thumbs up!
User Rating: 9 | Wargame: European Escalation PC
Yep, so I actually really like this game. It's requires super tactical decisions in order to win in any multiplayer game. However, if your playing against a noob who has no idea what is going on ( you can usually tell if their a NooB if they're spamming arty ) it will probably ruin your taste for the game. The arty is OP big time. Which I don't understand why. I can run out of fuel super fast in units, but an arty noob can continually lob arty across the map and hit my units causing them to route. This will cause some deep rooted frustration on your part. Because while you can actually play the game, tactically, the noob will sometimes win just by spamming arty and doing nothing else. Other than that, the game is great hands down. I would recommend this to anyone. My buddy and I actually play it together, which makes for fun times. I would recommend finding a pal, use skype, and fight on the same team.