Incredibly fun, ridiculously bombastic, bloody fun!!

User Rating: 10 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II PC
No, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II doesn't feel like your typical RTS...and that, my friends, is a good thing! Did we really and truly want another "Build, Harvest, Amass and Rush" game? Let's leave that to Starcraft II and the redundant C&C 3, shall we?

Dawn of War II is a celebration of near-perfection; near perfect pyrotechnics, graphics, sound (crank that 5.1 WAY up!!!), and gameplay. It plays like a blend of Diablo-style action gaming (grab that loot, plan your skills out, and decide how to outfit your squads and who to send!!), real-time XCOM (place your squads, overlap your fields of fire, toss them grenades and call in the artillery!!) with a smattering of Company of Heroes...all minus the redundant aspects of RTS games, such as building a base and wasting time defending strutures.

Instead, it's your Hero units you struggle to protect...not lifeless buildings. Heros become so powerful and valuable (what with all that lovely armor, weaponry and added gear for stats) that you do everything to protect them and keep them in the fight.

To me, everything in this game screams quality...even the interface and cutscenes. Sure, the story is a trifle redundant...but if that's the only knock you can come up with against a game designed to please the senses with lots of gunfire, explosions, creative and tough enemy units and vehicles, well heck...I'll take the weaker story.

And I haven't even tried the multiplayer yet.... :)