It tried to be more by giving the gamer less. Stick to the 1st game

User Rating: 4.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II PC
First of all i actually have no problem with Steam or a game that uses it. I want you all to know that this is my opinion of the game only (though i will mention Windows Live)

I expect most of you reading this enjoyed DOW1. I know i did. I felt it was a fun strategy which forced you to keep moving.

When Relic announced that they were doing away with base building i was curious. I personally like base building in my game but im pretty sure a very decent strategy/tactical game can be made without it.
Of course they then announced Tyranids and this game became i must buy for me.

Alas i was very dissapointed. I will start off with a comparison. If any of you played Empire Earth and enjoyed it only to be highly dissapointed by EE2 then you will know where i am coming from.

This game is hidiously dumbed down in my opinion. They have taken away the base building, lessened the amount of units you can choose, made the tech advancement simpler and given a very sparse amount of maps.
A lot of these things made the game a good one.

But they were going for something different so what did they add. They added custom war gear in single player or upgradable gear in multiplayer. They also gave the remaining units special abilities like grenades or Charge. These things arent even badley implemented they just dont manage to make up for what has been taken away.

Now im sure if studied enough you can work out the perfect timing and unit building structure to be better than others with this game. If that is your thing then you may well enjoy it. if you are looking for entertainment then i really dont think this game is for you. The appeal of the wargear may last you a couple of hours.

The strategy options seem lack luster, the choices limited and the tactical options, although perhaps better than DOW1 are still hardly enough to carry the game.

So what about the tyrandis, well they are ok but act and handle similarly to the other races. because of the lack of choice in races itsh ard to make them game changingly different. They of course look different and the units do different things but with only 4 - 6 units running around, you will soon stop caring which race you are playing.

Now to cap my review off i will mention that for the single player game you must be logged into Windows Live to play (unless i have missed anything) This i find tedious and frstrating especially when it isnt working which is not rare.

To cap it all this game, in my eyes is awful. A dumbed down, rushed joke of a game which is for people who are looking to learn the best timing and configuration rather than wanting to just enjoy a game.

Im afraid i have few positive comments because the game offers little in the way of positive features. Many will disagree, infact i hope they do as i used to like Relic.