Putting the S _BACK_ into RTS.
But I will say this: Kevin VanOrd has his head up his ass. Again.
The fact that you have to carefully manage only 4 squads, and put them to their best use to achieve your objectives, rather than just churn out soldiers like candy to stomp off to the meat grinder until you've bashed your way to victory isn't really a strategy. It's a war of attrition.
Having to set up tactical infantry units to draw fire while maneuvering your devastator infantry to open up with their own weapons from flank posture, while causing havoc in the enemy line with the force commander, all to provide distraction for your scout team to plant charges to blow the crap out of something?
That's friggan strategy. It's tactics. It's not just milling out the troops who do the big bad damage.
I'm glad Relic made the game like it is, for single player. The first time I hit a boss fight I almost needed new shorts, it made me have to re-think -again- my current tactics.
Hell, if you can send in the Dreadnaugt with the Force Commander just behind to play the part of wrecking crew, then march in Tactical and Devastator marines to provide mop-up firepower in the wake of Thule and the FC's sheer damage output.
That's another -strategy-
Like I said.
Kevin VanOrd has his head up his ass.