I found it IN the bargin bin, and it should have stayed there
In this game, you play as a young Tau Fire Warrior named Kais. Just stop right there, for this the end of the positive part of the review.
I personally think this game was made by Abbadon and his Chaos cronies. The Warhammer 40K universe is just made downright laughable in this game. The enemies all mutter the same useless phrases like "Take Cover" or "For the Emperor." Not to mention their shooting skills; I know the Imperial Guard are not well known for their shooting skills, but c'mon, they could not hit the broad side of a barnyard door! The sound effects I could make in my sleep or jumping up and down like a mad-man shouting "Pew! Pew! Ka-Pow! Blam!"
In other words, buy something else. Like bread, sliced cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and ham and make yourself and sandwich. It's a whole lot more interesting and satisfying and costs the same as the game