Warhammer 40k: Fire Warrior is a sad representation of such a unique book that it deserves a remake...badly.
User Rating: 2 | Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior PS2
When i first picked this game up as a used title from an EB games i had much hope for it. I never have been one to argue or complain over such things as graphics or music but rather enjoy and easy to control game with a nice story. I had high expectations for a decent boss fight but was sadly let down. The game tells the tale of a tau soldier known as a "fire warrior" named Kais, and his brave,chaotic endeavour on a mission to retrieve a kidnapped ethereal (a tau diplomat) from the clutches of the vast imperium of man. On the way he has various encounters forcing his mission to be longer and consequently more chaotic as things begin breaking up around him and inside him. However this game portrays next to none of that. The game is very hard on the eyes, and the AI early on regardless of difficulty is exceptionally stupid and tend to get caught on every last thing when trying to get you. Every enemy seems to have the idea that its a good idea we rush to close with u and go melee even when all they carry are rifles and pistols. Common sense would dictate that since i have a gun im gonna try and stay far away to avoid a grave. furthermore the games AI seems at times later on acts as if it is cheating too much for it to be fair. Case in point the imperial ship after it has become corrupt. The enemies start popping out of nowhere with only a flashing red screen and an annoying screech to wake u to this target. very often your allies tend to do nothing except for shoot wildly as if praying that hitting something is your job not theirs. The story tends to follow the book it is based on well however there is a major flaw which occurs right at the very end and just as you rescue the Ethereal. In both cases those who have read the book the game is based on know that Kais faces a tech priest just prior to fighting the space marine they do have u fight in game and there is only one marine not two. At the very end the boss battle is conpletely different. In the book it tells how kais first fires a bit realises his shots arent doing anything then blows up a shrine causing the boss to loose form, and the cycle repeats itself until the cavalry arrives in the form of crisis battlesuits. However the game has u place charges at all the shrines prior to the final fight and then u fire 2 rockets into him and put him out of his misery, alone with no back-up to rescue you until after you have done everything which includes killing the boss and it comes in the form of an essentially empty troop transport. (there are 3 other fire warriors inside..thats it). You make such an ugly game with such terrible voice acting and you cant even get a boss or two right whats your problem guys and girls i cant figure it out.
On the part of weapons most are portrayed right though they tend to have their quirks that make no particular sense. For example the bolter looks like it could fit a gun platform rather than a soldier when your using one, Your sword is about as useful as a flashlight at best, and the tau sniper rifle has a trippy color set cascading around your reticule making almost impossible to focus long enough to get a shot right. and finally the guns take way too long to reload forcing you to find cover in order to make more shots thus giving the enemies too far away to be bothered coming down and going toe-to-toe with you to take another shot at you. Another pet peeve with the game weapons are that they are basically designed for one enemy or more and thats it. your grenades for sword wielding maniacs, bolter and plasma rifle for space marines and chaos marines, rocket launcher for bosses, assault rifles for the white guys and blue guys, sniper rifle for ppl in yellow, and finally flame thrower and shotgun for when you to want to try and imitate the ridiculously dumb AI.
I will go on to the multiplayer. I am fortunate to have a younger sibling willing to attempt this to even make this multiplayer review possible. It is cheap and hard to look at just like the single player, and basically becomes a 1 sides fight after someone start spawn camping the rocket launcher and sniper rifles and denise you grenades.
This game finally has a replay value too it however the game is such a chore to force yourself to finish the first time it makes throwing up after swallowing excrement seem more enjoyable as the unlockables arent worth it and who really wants to look at such horrid images that probably could have been done better in paint shop pro, FOR A SECOND OR THIRD TIME
All in all this game is terribly done that I really would like this to be placed on a list of game deserving of a remake that probably wont get one cause of the shame dropped on the developers by this game may u rest in pieces fire warrior