This game had alot of potential but several design decisions and a rather shabby production make it very disappointing.
I tried Space Hulk. An old DOS game which while it has dated graphics has solid gameplay and a rather creepy ambiance.
Then I tried this game. I mean it looked promising:
- Full 3D Graphics.
- Alien guns
- And all that in the Warhammer 40K universe.
What could you ask more. Sadly this game which looked so promising ends up being terribly disappointing. First the graphics, now I know the game is rather old but i must say even for an old game the 3d seems overly blocky and the textures lack in color.
Secondly there is the weaponry. Now its all very nice to have big blasters but it the rounds move so slowly I actually had to start predicting where the enemy would be. This just made things annoying and slowly started chipping away at my will to finish the game. Also the chainsword (or whatever) its called. This could have been the coolest weapon ever but all it seems to do to the enemy is give them a slight scratch.
And finally theres the AI. Now while i was not expecting the enemy stormtroopers to show much intelligence i was at least expecting them not to charge mindlessly at the player. Same for your allies. They are supposed to help you!!! Yet they manage to get killed a few seconds after joining you!
All this sums up to a game which, while it may please the hardcore fans of the tabletop game, will surely disappoint any other players. Just keep your money and spend it on something else... Like Warhammer figures and wait for some guys to make a descent HL2 mod set in the 40K UNiverse.