OK boring start and annoying hard for the first 3 or 4 leves but after that gets verey good
ok i tryed to play the many times but avery time it get on my nerves and stop playin it but when i decided that i have to finsh it after third or fourth level it became verey good i started to get addicted
its one of those game that have a very bad start and then a verey powrfull ending
it started to become good when u start fighting the the red Space Marines thay are verey hard to kill untill u use there wepons against them the tables will turn and when u fight the green Space Marines in space it will be very good becose the design of the space destroyer is verey beautiful after that u will fight blue space marine then thay will become ur friend and fight with you side by side the infamous chaos marine and form ther u will fell like playing like second virgin of the game every thing will be diffrent u will be able to see how chaos world look like u will see a very strange looking chaos units and even more strang behavior ( so mush dame boiling blood and pantgrams and crazy sound ) i didnt under stand but for warhammer old fan thay will under stand
end of story if you finshed the game u will be satisfied and feel very hungry for anothor expansion for the game