Who knows why Gamespot gave this game a 6 because this game is highly addicting, and good fun.
Gameplay: The game is a Top Screen Shooter which I have already said before, but it is fairly close-up and a bit more personal for a Top Screen Shooter. There are four classes in the game which is what adds to replay value in this game. Each class has a close range attack, a ranged attack, and a special move. Each class also has 3 main weapons, each one being more powerful than the last. When playing the game you will earn them overtime.
Classes: Each class is unique from each other, and should be used wisely.
Sternguard: This guy is number one in long-range combat, but has the weakest close-range attack. He carries large machine guns that tear enemies apart, and his special-move is where his rate of fire increases drastically.
Tech Marine: The Tech M is number two in long-range, and third as far as close-range goes. He uses a repeater rifle that deals fairly good damage, and he has a mechanical claw which deals good damage as well, but it shouldn't be used against larger enemies. His special move is a deployable turret which literally tears through enemies with ease.
Librarian: The Librarian is third in long-range, but second in close-range. His pistol deals enough damage to stop standard boyz (orks) from a distance, and his sword can clear out most enemies with ease. His special-move is the weakest, where all he does is make a psychic boom. It has a small radius and doesn't do much.
Vanguard: Number one in close-range combat, but horrible at long-range combat. His pistol has a slow rate of fire, and doesn't deal too much damage. Do not rely on his pistol. His chain-sword or whatever weapon you may have is incredibly powerful against enemies. His special-move is incredibly powerful, where uses his jet-packs to run really fast, mowing down any enemy in your path (even Nobs) and after a couple of seconds it makes a huge explosion.
The diversity in classes really adds to this game. Compared to most TSS this game has a bit more depth. You have two slots for upgrades such as 25% longer special-move, or 15% ranged-damage or other stuff like that. There are also upgrades in the level such as invincibility, or Quad-fire. These are numerous, and come quite frequently. This makes the game less stale, and makes the combat a little bit strategic. Since you can only carry one temporary upgrade at a time (they wear off over a matter of 15-20 seconds) you need to kind of figure out how to use them wisely.
The enemies in this game are nice, and a lot more than some games which only have 10 different enemies. This game has around 20 or more different kinds of enemies, and about all 20 of them appear frequently so you will being seeing this diversity a lot. Mostly you will be fighting the Orks, and they are fun to kill. This game is teen, and sometimes I wonder why it is teen. The game has A LOT of blood for a teen game which makes slaughtering orks oh so enjoyable. This is where most TSS suffer: the games aren't violent enough because you are fighting vehicles, or there is just no blood. Kill Team really makes killing fun, and close-range attacks do not feel weak but make you feel like a juggernaut by killing 15 little orks in one swipe.
The game is pretty much glitchless for me, except when you are targeting an enemy on a higher plane than you it can be difficult to aim. I think Gamespot must've sucked at this game or something because they said the checkpoints were poorly placed... that is not the case. The checkpoints are within about a minute or two minutes of each other which really isn't that bad seeing as how a level is anywhere from 20-50 minutes long. When you spawn from a checkpoint I will admit sometimes I think that I spawned really far back, but then you realize that it was only 2 minutes ago or so.
The graphics are top-notch and are very good for an arcade game. The details and everything are very good, and blowing stuff up is a lot of fun. The sound effects are also very nice, and make killing all the more enjoyable. The soundtrack also isn't bad for an arcade game, and is good overall.
There are a lot of stuff to collect in this game like collectables which pretty much give you concept art and things like that. The game has a good replay value because it is only 5 levels long, but it does have a survival mode, and everything is able to be done in co-op. I feel like this game is really co-op oriented seeing as how on the last boss battle which feels nearly impossible in single player at some parts.
The narrator of this game is very enjoyable to listen to. Also every enemy in this game is listed in a codex, so the more enemies you fight, the more you learn about them... and yes the narrator will actually speak the descriptions of the enemies.
Gameplay: 7
Graphics: 7
Replay Value: 8
Sound Effects/ Soundtrack: 8
Extras: 8