What a shameful waste of money this game is. They basically took Panzer General and re-skinned the game with Warhammer units. Drab backgrounds, little to no animations, ugly graphics to primitive graphics, and little to no production value is prevalent throughout the whole experience. So, basically you're paying for a 1994 Panzer General mod at inflated 2015 prices.
"Oh, come on!", fanboys would say, "but the game-play is fun. Don't judge by graphics." I would probably have been more lenient if this came out in 2000 and just categorize it as another PG clone. But it is now 2015, and the company who's selling it is trying to pawn it off on you for more than $40. It's ridiculous and unacceptable and I would value the game at $5 at most. I'm pretty sure the marketing and the hype out-cost the amount of time and effort to produce the game by ten-fold.
Bottom Line: If you love everything Warhammer, then here's a shiny dog turd for you with a Warhammer label on it so it would justify the cost. If you're actually looking for a tactical strategy game with deep strategy, livelier graphics and animation, and doesn't feel like it was scotch-taped together and thrown out for the uninformed or fanboys, then look elsewhere.