Again re-utilising the Risk-style campaign, fans of Dark Crusade may find Soulstorm a kick if not for the broken bonus functions that spoil the game. Yes, some bonuses for conquering stronghold maps don't really work, like the Deep Strike feature from Space Marines and Fast Population from the Orks, which is quite unacceptable for such a well established fan-based game. Also, even as a fan of Dark Crusade, I find the map clearing missions tedious at times as you have even more areas to clear and 8(!!!) enemy strongholds to take down, which becomes a chore halfway through. There is also this webway system that wastes time entirely. Luckily, the stronghold missions offer enough varied strategies from the usual skirmishes to sustain the interest.
For the new races, the Sisters of Battle may seem tempting to use, but they don't differ much from the Space Marines except for their fanatic devotion of flame weaponry and shinier uniforms. The Dark Eldar is like a mix between the enigmatic Eldar and the sinister-looking Chaos Space Marines. However, the addition of air units for all races is fun for some races, especially the Barracuda for the Tau, which further strengthened their already imbalanced prowess.
Soulstorm may be worth playing if you haven't tried the Dark Crusade or if you are a hardcore fan of the series, it's more worth to get it at a budget price.
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