This game just has the "Right" feeling. You don't feel that something is missing or too complicated. It's pur
The Imperial guard is a race that uses fortifications, ranged firepower and armor instead of melee charges and allmighty heroes. And yet it doesn't makes makes the game any less intencive or bloody. With it's own mix of strong armored units like the Baneblade tank, (11 turrets says it all) and unique charachters like the Commisar ("Forward you dogs! To Victory!"), the Imperial guard has a lot to offer. The other races also get one new unit each. The Eldar finally get a dedicated Anti-tank/building infantry. However the remainning races units are little more than an "upgrade" to the existing one (Nobz-Mega Armoured Nobz). The single player campgain has some good ideas in it. The story is good and It does give the palyer some choise about the course of events. But playing as two races and in the end only one wins... Well it can be kind of frustrating. All in all, Winter assault is a smart expansion pack, which is as vicios and bloody as it's original. Enjoy!