What can I say? It's Warhammer :)

User Rating: 8.8 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault PC
Overview: For those who dnt know, Warhammer 40K is all about Orks, Elves, humans, undead, all the archtypical fantasy types going at each other throats in the distant future. The orginal Warhammer 40K-DOW lets u play as just the space marines in the single player session. Winter Assault expand on this formula and more.

Pros - The addition of a new race, the Imperial Guard, with their own single player missions, is reason enough to get this game. They guards are pretty weak on the infantry side, but in the later missions, with their awesome mechs n better soldiers, they are quite a force to be reckoned with. On top of that, unlike the first game, the expansion allows u to play the single player on the side of Chaos, controlling both the Orks & Chaos Marine. This enhances the replayability of the game after u complete the 'Order' missions. I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't played it, just that u definitely will want to replay it more than once to get the opposing 'point of view'.

The graphics are top-notch for an RTS, with very nice unit animations and fiery explosions all around. The game plays at a smooth framerate despite all this and the action is fast and furious. For those who like to 'turtle' in RTS, this isi'nt the game for u. But for all out attacking action & general slaughtering of your opponents, this game win hands down over the competition.

Multiplayer is a hoot, with players going at each other hammers n tongs, usually at resource points or critical locations. The action never lets up, unlike some other RTS.

Cons - Call me a fanboy, but I really can't find anything wrong to criticize about this game. There are some pathfinding issues, but then , which RTS does'nt have this problem.

Verdit, if u are a Warhammer fan, u owe it to yourself to get this game. If u're not a fan, well, get this game n you'll become one.