Ok, Dawn of war was a great game, alright it was easy but it was a hell of a lot of fun. Winter assault was entertaining... you've just got to love sacrificing your own gaurdsmen for the good of morale... Dark crusade takes on the role and it does an ok job, I say only ok because it has several flaws. Firstly, the campaign... repititive skirmish maps strung together with a hint of storyline that, to be honest, fails to thrill. That said the skirmishes are damn fun and there needs to be some kind of skill in order to win. Unless you're playing as the Necrons... in which case no skill is required... just that sense of being that, exploiting, cheating scum that all gamers love to hate. As a race of mechanical, genicidal, near un-stopable beings they're simply too damn hard for the game, ok in 40K they were nigh-on impossible to beat but surely that should hint and possible balancing issues in a PC game! I managed to wipe out an entire chaos base with two units of basic Necron infantry... this should not be possible. It's like playing Battle for Middle Earth as Mordor (near unstopable trolls and free re-spawning of Nazgul... very handy...) it's just not fair on other players... and none of that "They should of got there first" crap or the age old arguement of "It's in the game so I'll play it 'cus I'll be unbeatable mwahahahahaha!" ok so maybe some of my on crazyness creeping in there but you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, it's a lot of fun and who could possibly turn down the chance to storm a base with Terminators and Preditors. If it weren't for the balancing issues and problems with a repititve campaign, this game would deserve at least a 9 as it is it's an 8 at best. Fun, entertaining... but not deep... kinda like a Kebab, you know you shouldn't but you do anyway... often...
Other Helpful Reviews for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
Dark Crusade comes along right after Dawn of War bursts into peoples computers and then Winter Assault slides in as an expansion pack. Dark Crusade acts like an expansion pack but does not requier the other games to actu... Read Full Review
For fans of the table top game and for those who aren't, this is still an amazing RTS! With the addition of the Tau and the Necron the styles of game play and strategy are endless, giving the game constant hours of repl... Read Full Review