I started this not expecting much since i wasn't too impressed with the 1st 2 DoWs, this one is a great improvement

User Rating: 8.3 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade PC
If you played Dawn of War and its expansion, Winter Assault, you might have been, like me, slightly underwhelmed by the pretty standard gameplay and level design. This time round Relic have totally overhauled the game mechanic for Dark Crusade, its now more like Risk than a RTS. The main things that stood out for me were the new races (especially the Tau who have some awesome units), the dazzling audio, the superb interface, and the overall sharp presentation by Relic, who also made the excellent Homeworld and its sequel, both games you should check out if you have time for another RTS.

A claim i hear a lot in gaming these days is 'every time you play you have a different experience'. Well, its true with this game. You have the choice of stomping your army around the world in whichever direction you like. Its good because traditionally RTSs have been quite restrictive in what you can do outside the battle.

Another thing to mention is the sheer size of the game. You have 7 different races to play, and all have their own reasons for being on the planet Kronus (it belongs to the Tau originally though). This means that there are 7 different endings and 7 very different strategies that can be employed, as the races are very different, they all have weaknesses and strengths.

I would recommend this one if you liked the first DoWs and even more if you like Risk-type war games. Its good that game makers are starting to branch out into different areas and get away from the usual story-line-based RTS. This one is lot more strategic even though when you look at it, not that much has been innovated.