thts some real kick butt, combining bloody rage with amazing graphics.. WAAAAGHH
the races are great, ELdar; the quick martial arts highly developed beings , for ppl who just love to be different! The Space marines, popular for ppl tht have never played before, combining human domination with a neatly formatted army. Orcs, All ye who wanna bash and slash , use orcs the most chaotic army (even more chaotic compared 2 chaos!) With brute strength and quick breeding , you can swamp your enemies with a large green crowd, who all seem so eager to ... KILL KILL !! pity they left the tyranids out. i'd fancy takign a hive fleet to a small group of eldars.. whahahah
then there is chaos, basically for all the ppl who just want 2 be evil.. the real evil ppl will choose space marines.. heheh .. cos theyr all religious and stuff, living in an empire of fear.. KILLING INNOCENTS.. EXTERMINATUS!! AAAAHHHHH AAAHHHHH AHHHHH ... srry lost myself there...
anyways the game is good for maybe a month and multiplayer action is *** amazing..