Best RTS ever played.
User Rating: 10 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade PC
Dawn of war: dark crusade sets the example for any game designer looking make an RTS. The graphics are great and the online play better than ever. I have spent countless days playing with my clan, playing games all day and all night. The games last from 15 minutes to and hour and rarely longer, but when they are about an hour long they are usually very intense, strategic GG's. Although there are so many unexperianced players online, its worth it playing a bunch of games to find that 1/15 is an amazing match.. A true RTS game works like this... You hit eachother with t1 units, the pressure is intense and both sides are relatively even, very small mistakes change the cource of the battle and one opponent gains the chance to tech up a little. Game may be a tie and both players will advance to T2, and as such advance to t3, turning into a more intense battlewith much customization. Each player pushes his advantages and gains the upper hand with a gutrenching blow, annihilating the enemy forces over many advantages that have been pushed throughout the game. That is what is waiting for you in Dawn of war... The questin is... will you seek it out?