heaps of carnage with lots of detail
User Rating: 9 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade PC
dark crusade is an awesome game that you will waste away hours without realizing it especially considering that the campaign is a lot more strategic in a way that there are'nt objectives but just provinces that you need to control in order to beat it. the visuals are amazing especially if you have a high end computer and you've scrolled the camera down to ground level its like watching futuristic 300. you'll see bodys go flying, grenades, lazers zooming past and the very awesome sync kill which is a varying combo of hits and slashes that your troops do when they finish off someone in melle combat. one of the major things in it is beeing able to paint your armies whatever you like. you can choose what thier banners look like, the colour of thier helmet and pretty much everthing. the different factions are very cool there are the orks who live for war, the eldar who are nearly an extinct race. the imperial guard who are made up of ordinary men, the tau a young but incredibly advanced race, the space marines who are massive men who were genetically altered to be killing machines who serve the imperium alongside the imperial guard, the traitorous chaos space marines who betrayed the space marines and the metal zombies that are the necrons. this is well worth the buy considering you get to use all the races in everything except multiplayer.