To those who compare this with Gears of War
Warhammer 40k was there when Head of Epic games Cliff was still a baby,
so before some idiot starts talking about how this is Gears of war clone and all.... go and shoot yourself....
Warhammer 40k is as the name says.... is the Grim Future of Mankind... in the 41st millennium there is nothing but War..... you are a space marine... of the ultramarines chapter......
Space marines are Genetically engineered super soldiers of the Imperium of Man.
they are normally 8 feet tall, wear kick as power armor and have some cool weps,
space marines are divided in 1000 chapters and Ultramarines are one of them,
if u have played Dawn of war series... ull know that Blood ravens are also one of the chapthers.... so what are space marines.? lets just say they are warrior monks..of the future... they spend 90% of their time worshiping the Emperor and the only interaction they have with the rest of the world is on the field of battle,
Orks on the other hand are the most numerous race in the galaxy.... and is divided into millions of tiny empires who most of the time fight among themselves... orks dont give a rat's @ss about diplomacy and always look for a fight.
Chaos.... or the dark gods are the main enemies of the Imperium they exist in a different dimension called the Wrap Chaos space marines are those traitor legions of space marines that Turned towards chaos...the great enemy...
so being a 8feet tall mountain of power armor u dont need Cover..... Cover needs you...
@ gears of war fanboys.... dont go around saying Chainsword is a Lancer rip off.....chain swords were in 40k Universe for past 25 years.....
ok now the gameplay
Its fast paced.... and for people fimiliar with 40k universe will love the lore....
its about a Ork waagh (horde) invading a forge world of the imperium and ultramarines are there tah help... and find out chaos is sneaking around its a Triple Threat match...
game isnt that easy the big ork nobz kinda hit u hard....and ull always find yourself surrounded by atleast 20 or more orks.
btw somee idiot said that voice acting sucks... lol i think he is full of s-h-i-t...
cuz i love the sound effects and voice acting... a Bolter acctually sounds like a bolter now ...
those who dont know what bolter is... its the standard issue space marine gun
fires bolts (mini rockets) that explode inside their target....
so if you have a shack full of regular action games and want to try something a bit different .... Space marine is the game for you
p.s... for tons of info and background about the warhammer 40k unvierse
google for 40k wiki or lexicanium and ull be amazed by the sheer amount of back story and info about other races in 40k.
p.s Justin beiber is a fa-got