SpaceMarine is an attempt on recreating Gears Of War which fails clearly!
The Graphics-
First of all the costumes doesnt look as pleasing as they should do. They look like simple funny robotic costume.With no variety in them all,that kind of makes it look Cartoonish.The enemy characters are at first only Orks.Ugly green ones with no realistic features in them what so ever.You start off with killing these Orks and as you go on in to the story ,they sort of change and you meet different Orks and different enemies aswell.The other enemies are very much different.
Some of them are much bigger than the Orks the others have different weapons and visuals too.
The lights used and rendered, in the game seems to be ok,not that great but its ok to see good lights used in good areas to show little details they have worked on either indoors or outdoors.Outside however you dont see many good lights.It is more or less just the direct sunlight.The architecture of the buildings is good but blunt, they dont have great textures either.
The level design looks ok,but doesnt shows the great views of the landscapes and buildings structures.Weapons and the main characters have been made much better,and more realistic than other things in the game.
The Story -
Story doesnt give the players a a lot of options.Its not that great but also it isnt very bad,its not something that has a lot of potentials,and the story just keeps on going and going.The whole point of the game is to shoot and kill with either with a close combat weapons such as an axe and specially made chainsaws or with the guns and weapons.All you do is kill the Orks.The story keeps unfolding as you progress but it just doesnt interact or make contact with the player.It feels that the game is trying to offer inevitable story which is pushed on to game by force,you dont feel any depth with it.You just dont feel it,it doesnt drag you slowly at all but it leaves you there to be.It just makes you feel that any kind of story would work with space marine.
The game and more or less the story wants to bring out the serious plot in it,but every aspect of the game such as poor costumes, really affects the seriousness of the game.For some reason the game doesnt deserve and 18+ rating,it just doesnt it looks more like a game aimed at the kids I suppose.Im not exaggerating atall if say, the game is childish and cartoon like.As the story continues the missions get more and more frustrating and boring since you have seen nearly all that the game has to offers.Also it doesnt offer alot of new varieties as you move forward.After a few levels into the main story there is no more new weapons and you are stuck with the same old routine of killing Orks,which gets very frustrating quickly.
The Enjoyment -
As I mentioned in the last few paragraphs,there are serious issues with the main story,the plot, and the way the developers have handled the game in total.Most of the things are intended to be in the game but the way they have handled it, isnt that pleasuring either.Like I said before yes you have to have new weapons as you progress in the main game.However it stops after a few levels which is major downside.All the combat moves start to get similar and after a while there is no point for the player to enjoy it,and you just want to get it over with.
Another thing here is that the levels have to change but that doesnt mean that the levels should all be kind of similar in the visual type speaking.We see lots of areas in the game that looks very similar to other levels,the word"change"and"variety" does not make any sence here.
All these elements work together to reduce the enjoyment and to decrease the play ablity of the game.
In games today, every once in a while we should experience something amazing,something to remember,for example a memorable scene that we can refer to when ever we think about that specific game.Everything is flat there is no up and down, which makes you wonder is THQ in it for the money or they have something new for the gaming today.
Yes we cant down play the fact that everybody likes to shoot orks and see the blood spill,or rather have a lot of Orks standing infront of you ,and you have yourself one big axe or something like that and you can kill all these Orks one by one.Yes we get that, but how you execute the little details is what matters the most.There are main components in the game which makes it much more boring than anything else.
The Summary -
What I learned from space marine is that you can never get enough of the little details that the game companies work night and day to get it right.Its all these small and tiny features that offer the biggest impact in games.
The game lacks a lot of greatness and superiority.It just doesn attract any variety into it,its almost a bad recreation of a great big title(Gears Of War).
Those games which arent made by great details and have been made just to attract money or sometimes to gain more experience, most of the time doesnt sell as much either.
The game doesnt interact or make great contact wit the players,from playing the game it is very easy to detect the flops and also the story just didnt get to go anywhere.I dont know if the developers had great ideas on it or not,but from playing the game it doesnt seem that way to me.Could rather be a waste of time.I think the game needed a lot more work. 5 out of 10.