Definantly a cult classic.
User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command PSP
This is probably one of the best turn based strategy games out there to date for the psp. Warhammer offers plenty of challenge and requires you to develope a strategy. Once the difficulty starting building up, i started playing through a level the first time expecting to lose but just trying to get a feel for how i shold deploy and equip my squad. This is not untill the later missions though. Some missions are suprisingly easy towards the end when you find out how to equip your squad and how to use them effectivly. There is two types of missions, and both are good for what they are trying to accomplish. One is to stand your ground and fight off attackers for a certain time. And another is basically assault. Working your way throught the destructible environments requires some skill. And the levels are fully destructible, you can blow away everything in the level leaving you in a barren landscape. The AI is medicore but works well enough. You have a couple of different vehicles to choose from and a couple of different soldier types to employ each with there own abilities, strenghts and weakness. Also each vehicle or soldier has there own different types of weapons to carry, you can also decide on how much ammo to carry which will affect how far you can move on one turn, but you dont want to run out of ammo in the middle of a fight so choose wisely. All these increase the strategic edge of the game. I did notice one glitch in the game, and for future reference, dont try to change stance while moving next to buildings or other things cause you may get stuck and cant move. Easily fixed my destroying whatever it is that you are stuck on. Also the storyline is really short and leaves much to be desired, but what ever there is of it is interesting. Dont play this game if you are looking for a story, there practically is none. If you really like this game you should check out Fallout Tactics for the PC.