I only got up to the 3rd level before I was bored to death.
I'M MOVING . . . OH NO . . . I DIED . . .
I'M MOVING . . . OH NO . . . I DIED . . .
It drived me insane! The gameplay is just one of the worst I've seen on the DS.
You're in a war against some sort of creatures and it is a weird way to battle! It's like chess! You have to take it in turns to move one of your guys and check mate them.
First of all, there's no music to any of the levels. The only sound is the sound of footsteps, a cheap sound a guns firing and a constant "I'M MOVING".
The touch screen isn't put into much good use either. You tap on a guy you want to move and draw in the most stiff way a path for him to go. And let me tell you, you can't go very far. If you have enough power you can shoot one of the enemy's guys. Once you have moved all your guys it's the enemiy's turn and then you have to wait while your enemy completes his turn. AND THE ENEMY TAKES IT'S TIME.
There's a couple of good things though. There's Wi-Fi. Games like Guitar Hero on Tour and Mario Party DS should have a Wi-Fi because it would be fun to do it on but surprisingly, this game has it. I guess they had a lot of room for it! LOL Good luck finding someone to play with! But there's always got to be someone.
Another good thing is that if you've lost your stylus you can use the buttons! I actually prefer it!
Overall, this game stinks.
(Wow. That was my shortest OVERALL sentence I've ever written!)