A memorable tactics (not strategy) game. Hard to find anything better on PSOne.
The storyline is pretty rigid, with some instances where you will be able to chose between path A and B, but will make little impact on the overall progress of the story - for instance you will be asked by an old comrade for help dealing with enemies. Take this sidequest and help him in battle, and he will join your army after the fighting is done, although this will mean you will be late to your original destination, thus having to face a larger enemy army.
If the map had been one you could explore with free will, had some strategy options, it would have been maybe bigger than Total War. We'll never know :)
But the battles remain memorable, tremendously satisfying, and Warhammer Dark Omen is a winning formula that could still be worked upon and expanded.
The main part of the game is the battle map, where you will have your basic cavalry/archer/infantry troops, with some magic options, like fireballs or lightning that will recharge over time.
When engaged with the enemy, Warhammer includes a never-after used mechanic of repeatedly tapping on the X button to "make your troops blood boil", augmenting their fighting prowess. Once everyone's in place and engaged, you will be switching from troop to troop, tapping your ass off to give an edge to the regiment wich needs it the most.
The sound is great, in battle you will here the sound of metal clanging, the groans of soldiers, the dying screams, the chilling rip of flesh and carthilage, and if you want to really enjoy the sound, try the Fire Wizard's Flaming Skull spell with the sound way up. Good stuff :) The voice acting is superb as well, though there are some glitches and some clips they didn't edit well and you can hear the voice of one of the staff people in the back :D
That just happened once or twice as i recall, but still, an upseting spot on an otherwise great job.
It's a lot of fun, and you can play it time and time again.