For fans of the warhammer table top game.. NOT fans of the 40k computer games i.e. dark crusade.
What MOC does and does fairly well is to translate that table top game into a computer game, following in the foot steps of Shadow of the horned rat and dark omen.
What it does NOT do is cater the latest RTS fix for dawn of war junkies out there. Dawn of war is NOT warhammer, it is a minor spin off computer game, so don't go crying and whining when you find out that MOC is something different.
That said mark of chaos could and should of been much more than it is, the campaign engine could have done with.. an engine, but no its the same scripted linear rubbish we've been getting for the past 8 years or w/e. Also they skimped on the content quite a bit, it really feels like they ran out of budget and pushed the game out of the door without really finishing it.
My biggest criticism of MOC is that the army lists are very thin, if they'd fleshed out the army lists to more closely simulate the table top then this game would of be of great value even with its flaws. As it is its a worth diversion for fans of the table top but not much more.