A Total Breakdown
User Rating: 5.6 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos PC
This is a simple game to learn. There is not real learning curve as you merely select your units and battle. One of the weakest points in the game is the lack of structures. Structures allow for the diversity in games that make strategy truely come into play. Deffensive and Offensive strategy again revolves around deffensive structures or offensive units created from structures. Graphics and Sound wise the games is beautiful and well done. Just about any resolution looks great. The cutscenes could have been better, however the in game graphics more than make up for it. Gameplay in general is fair. There is a little confusion as to when or how rifles and cannons got brought into the era, but this is why I dont make games. The game could have been perfect if there was a little more depth to the story lines as it was pretty one sided and the campaign was created to give you the feel of options but they are few and far apart. Both campaigns really are the same thing just from different angles. Same general battles and hero confrontations. Overal the game was a let down from what it had been made out to be. Coming from the group that made the Dawn of War: Warhammer 40K series, I would have expected a little more to the game all the way around. Graphics and sound do not make the game. Starcraft is the perfect example of this. All I will say for multi-player is that it is severely lacking all the way around.